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An Empirical Study On Attention Factors To Massive Open Online Courses

Posted on:2020-10-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Muhammad Farhan MughalFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578952036Subject:Computer Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the passage of time and advancement in the technology,it has changed everything like the way of living,the way of thinking,and the way of travelling.The advancements in technology in every field have also led to and influenced the methodologies in education.It is vital to introduce different kinds of assistive technologies in universities to improve the way of delivering knowledge.Online educational technologies changed the student’s thinking and learning style.Speedily innovation in technology is changing effectively every aspect of our lives and education is no exception.It is necessity of time to lead these changes in higher education,for now and for future.The application of information technology has extensive influence on higher education,that’s why it is need of time to pay more attention on technology advancement to facilitate and improves learning style.Whenever we talk about the future of higher education,considered that MOOCs are next level of revolution for education on the bases of both academic potential and skills.In order to study the implementation of MOOCs and the factors that affects its practical applications.The objective of this study was to identify factors that enhance an individual’s intention to use MOOCs.This study combines Technology Readiness Index(TRI)model and Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)model to address analyze factors influencing MOOCs adoption.On the basis of these factors we developed a research questionnaire to collect data,these questionnaire include 35 constructs and collected data from students at Pakistan.Sample size of data was 237 and develop different hypothesis.The research model explained a substantial percentage of the variance for the intention to use MOOCs.The results show that two factors of TRI i.e.Personal Innovativeness and Optimism have a positive relationship with Perceived Ease of Use(PEU)of MOOCs and Perceived Usefulness(PU)of MOOCs.The other two dimensions i.e.Insecurity and Discomfort had a negative influence on PEU and PU of MOOCs,however,Insecurity proved insignificant while Discomfort proved to have a significant impact on PU and PEU of MOOCs.Moreover,this study affirms the basic underlying propositions of TAM model that PEU positively influences PU and PU influence Intention to Use MOOCs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Education, Technology, Massive Open Online Courses, Technology Readiness, Technology Acceptance, intention, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived ease of use
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