With the innovation and development of technology,the scale of the video game industry and the number of game players are also constantly increasing,and the needs of game players are becoming more diverse.In the past,video games paid more attention to the needs and preferences of male players.The use needs and preferences of female players did not receive the attention of game developers.In recent years,the market potential of female players has gradually been tapped.More game makers and game designers are willing to make games for the needs and preferences of female players.The scale of female players is constantly expanding and their influence is constantly increasing.In the early 2018,"Love and Producer" quickly became popular.It was less than a month after the launch,and the download volume exceeded 7 million.At the same time,various "wife fans" appeared on the network."Love and Producer" belongs to the " Maiden " game in female games,which accounts for a large proportion of female games.At the same time,the use behavior of " Maiden " gamers has become a phenomenon.In order to celebrate the birthday of the virtual characters in the game,the female players of "Love and Producer" bought the billboards of the office building and continued to play the greetings of the virtual idol birthday.This behavior has attracted a lot of attention on Weibo.The issue of the worship of some virtual characters,the " paper man ",has also caused people’s heated discussion.This study focuses on the causes of this phenomenon and the motivations of the relevant groups,and analyzes and studies the behavior of the game from the "Maiden" game players.Based on the theory of technology acceptance model and uses and gratifications theory,this study puts forward relevant hypotheses based on the characteristics of the " Maiden " game,and studies the motivation and preference of the "Maiden" game players through immersive observation,interviews and descriptive statistical analysis.Demographic factors and game habits and degrees.Through correlation analysis and regression analysis,the author’s perception of the relationship between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness and perceived entertainment of " Maiden " game players,perceived ease of use,perceived usefulness,and perceived entertainment impact on satisfaction And the effects of perceived ease of use,perceived usefulness,perceived entertainment,and satisfaction on the use of intentions.The research conclusions show that the perceived ease of use of " Maiden " game is significantly positively correlated with perceived usefulness and perceived entertainment;,perceived usefulness,and perceived entertainment have a significant positive impact on satisfaction;Perceived ease of use does not directly affect the intention to use.;Perceived usefulness,perceived entertainment,and satisfaction have a significant positive impact on intention to use.Based on this research,the derivative behavior of the "Maiden" game and the future development of the game are discussed. |