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Research On The Ideological And Political Teaching Design Of Senior High School Aiming At The Cultivation Of The Core Quality Of The Consciousness Of Rule Of Law

Posted on:2021-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M N ShangFull Text:PDF
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The realization of the rule of law depends on the improvement of the awareness of the rule of law of the people.As the reserve force of the construction of the motherland,the development of the awareness of the rule of law of the youth is directly related to the promotion of the socialist country under the rule of law,and the improvement of the awareness of the rule of law of the youth is a process gradually transformed into the behavior of the rule of law under the guidance of the belief and the concept of the rule of law.The ideological and political course in senior high school is the main position to cultivate the awareness of the rule of law of senior high school students,which should provide support for the transformation of ideas to behavior.However,there are some problems in the current ideological and political courses,such as the low quality of teachers in the rule of law,the low efficiency of teaching activities,and the inadequate exploration of teaching resources.The existence of these problems is closely related to teachers' teaching design,which must be improved through many ways.This paper starts with the current situation of Ideological and political education design in senior high school,analyzes the problems and causes of cultivation of legal consciousness literacy,and according to the theory of legal education and teaching design,discusses the strategies of improving teaching design,so as to promote the effectiveness of cultivation of legal consciousness literacy of students with ideological and political courses in senior high school.The paper is divided into the following four parts.The first part is an overview of basic theoretical research.This paper discusses the relationship between the awareness of rule of law and the concept of Ideological and political education design in senior high school.The related theoretical basis provides theoretical support for this study.In the face of the implementation of the comprehensive strategy of rule of law,the principle of Ideological and political education deepens the research on the strategy of rule oflaw education.The theoretical basis of rule of law education clearly cultivates students' rights,equality,procedural awareness and other educational contents.The ideological and Political Curriculum and teaching theory provide principle guidance for the teaching design process to adhere to the discipline characteristics.In the second part,the author obtains the current situation of teaching design through the analysis of thirty pieces of teaching design related to the cultivation of the awareness of the rule of law and the related questionnaire survey,and points out that the outstanding advantages of the current teaching design are that the teaching goal pays attention to the cultivation of quality,the teaching leads the students to participate actively,and the teaching case selection pays attention to the development of the times.The existing problems are the teaching goal There are some shortcomings in the standard design,such as the lack of specific cultivation direction,the inadequate mining of legal teaching content,the use of more negative exploration materials,and the lack of feedback on the effect of legal cultivation in teaching evaluation.The third part,for the problems of the current teaching design in the cultivation of the awareness of the rule of law,combined with the relevant literature,analyzes the reasons for the high requirements of teachers' professional ability,students' development,curriculum reform and other aspects.For example,high school students pursue democracy but lack of rational understanding of equality,and the rule of law learning needs personalization,which requires teachers to pay attention to the change of rule of law education in teaching design.High school curriculum reform has a high standard for teaching objectives and classroom teaching,but there is a gap between the professional ability of some teachers and the cultivation of awareness of the rule of law,which can not meet the needs of teaching and learning.The fourth part points to the research of the teaching design strategy of the cultivation of the consciousness of the rule of law.In view of the problems of inaccurate orientation and fuzzy formulation of teaching objectives,the cultivation requirements of the awareness of the rule of law can be deconstructed according to the curriculum standards and the cultivation rules of moral education.The selection and organization of educational content should pay attention tothe academic situation,highlight the characteristics of legal education,and improve the training pertinence.Teaching activities focus on the creation of legal situation and case study,and improve the effectiveness of cultivation in emotional experience.In teaching evaluation,we should establish the evaluation content index of multi subject participation,dynamically record students' behavior performance,and improve the effectiveness of evaluation feedback.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching design, consciousness of rule of law, quality cultivation
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