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Optimization Design And Analysis Of Omni-directional Mobile Wall Climbing Robot

Posted on:2019-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330578472619Subject:(degree of mechanical engineering)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a kind of special robot,the climbing robot could operate on the inclined plane,vertical wall and curvature surface,greatly expanding the space of the robot,therefore it has been widely applied to various industries.However,the existing products have defects in aspects of adaptability and flexibility.In order to ensure that the adsorption is reliable and the movement is flexible,a new type of wheeled magnetic adsorption unit was designed,and the study was carried out on the basis of the unit.First of all,according to the working environment and the application characteristics of the wall climbing robot,choosed permanent magnetic adsorption For the lack of the past adsorbed part,the magnetic circuit was designed on the basis of the study of the magnetic characteristics.and a new magnetic wheel was designed with outstanding stability and excellent adaptability.The 3D static magnetic field simulation of permanent magnet wheel was carried out by using Ansoft-Maxwell to get the magnetic induction intensity and the distribution diagram of the magnetic force line.Verified the rationality of the design and optimized the permanent magnet wheel structure.On this basis,the structural of the robot body was completed.Through the establishment of the description of arbitrary position and orientation of the robot,the robot mechanical equilibrium was studied.Analyzed the robot's adaptability of robot wall surface and the performance at obstacle.Modeling and analysis of the movement on the plane,and using Matlab to carry out simulation and verification.ADAMS analysis software was used to build the robot's virtual prototype system.The dynamic simulation analysis of the robot moving on the steel wall and climbing the weld process further confirmed the feasibility of the robot.Finally,the robot parts were processed,installed and debugged,and the experimental data of the permanent magnet wheel and the robot body was tested.The rationality of magnetic wheel design and the feasibility of robot design were verified and provides a new train of thought for the design of robot structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wall-climbing robot, Wheeled magnetic adsorption unit, Omni-directional, Kinematics simulation, Magnetic finite element simulation
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