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A Brief Analysis Of The Image Expression And Feelings In The Creation Of The "He She" Series Of Oil Paintings

Posted on:2020-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
They all say that "art comes from life",so in life,I constantly discover my own points of interest and carefully observe life.In this graduation work,I chose to present the "love" that I experienced on weekdays on the canvas.The romantic feelings and inner feelings of the self,the accumulation of literature before the creation and the reading of the master oil paintings have played a vital role in the subsequent creation.My emotional experience and understanding of oil painting creation also helped me in the creation,slow.Slowly find that true self.This article focuses on the creation of the story,the first chapter,will elaborate on the motivation for the creation of the series of "He and Her".The second chapter,from the painting language of oil painting,explains the concept of painting language and painting style.In the creation,the choice of oil painting tools,the use of texture,the composition of composition,the color tone to the composition of the picture and the expression of self,play The crucial role,finally talk about the necessity and nationality of incorporating personal emotions in oil painting creation.The third chapter summarizes the reflections and feelings of this oil painting creation,the problems encountered in the creation and the help of oil painting creation in the future,and talks about the future development direction of oil painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oil painting, Love, Personal emotion, Painting language
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