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Wang Meng's Application Of The Dense Body Form Of "High And Hidden Picture Of Xiashan Mountain" In The Creation Of Landscape

Posted on:2021-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A D ZhengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Painting influenced by historical circumstances at that time,Yuan Dynasty formed heavy "pen and ink","painting","literati painting" at the end of the yuan rise,painters pay more attention to the expression of emotion,compared with the song dynasty painting has weakened the characterization of objects objectively,more full of stylized,and wang meng attempt to break through the landscape painting composition style layout,strengthen the experiment with the details of the pen,both inherited the landscape of the song dynasty,and the expression of painting,on the vision formed its unique style of dense body,formed its own unique secret body landscape.This article is divided into two parts the first part mainly analyzes wang meng of the summerhill high implicit figure composition forms and screen layout,sums up the artistic creation of wang meng in the process of landscape art development and the body formation at the same time,the dense body landscape similarities and differences compared with other forms,the second part is on the basis of the landscape through wang meng’s body form refining and summarized,into their own artistic emotion,thus slowly in the creative process to join their elements to form a new performance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Four yuan families, Wang Meng, "Xia Shan Gao Yin Tu", dense, landscape
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