In order to explore the relationship between physical exercise,self-timer behavior,exercise self-efficacy and physical self-esteem of secondary vocational art school students,the study selected the measurement of physical activity questionnaire PARS-3,exercise self-efficacy questionnaire SEE,physical self-description questionnaire PSDQ and self-edited four The self-timer questionnaire was tested on 769 vocational students,and the data was processed using SPSS 24.0 statistical software.The results found that:(1)physical exercise,self-efficacy,self-timer behavior and body self-esteem are significantly correlated(r values are 0.369,0.402,0.230,p value are less than 0.05);(2)physical self-esteem and exercise of art students There are significant differences in self-efficacy and physical exercise in gender,grade and major(p<0.001);there is no significant difference in self-timer behavior in different majors;(3)through the intermediary effect test,it is found that exercise self-efficacy starts between physical exercise and physical self-esteem."Bridge" effect.The intermediary effect accounted for 64%of the total.Conclusion:Participating in physical exercise will improve the self-efficacy of exercise,thereby improving physical self-esteem.This research not only enriches the research scope of body self-esteem,but also provides a reference for exploring the internal mechanism of physical exercise to improve body self-esteem. |