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Exploration Of Rhythm Control In Sports Commentary

Posted on:2021-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C W LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2437330620477256Subject:Radio and Television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing number of sports events,the team of sports commentators is getting larger and larger.Both traditional media and new media need more and more sports commentators.However,there are many kinds of sports,the rules of different sports are different,and the characteristics of different sports are different,which puts forward a lot of requirements for sports commentators,especially the rhythm control of interpretation,and the perfect match between interpretation and sports,so as to better present the game,interpret the game and better serve the audience.The graduation work starts from the 2019 world swimming championships,and constantly explores the interpretation rhythm suitable for the competition in the interpretation process.In the context of new media,the interpretation of sports events not only includes the interpretation of pictures,but also includes the interaction with the audience.Therefore,it is necessary to take into account the audience’s message while explaining the game picture,so as to watch and talk about the game together with the audience.The 2019 world swimming championships-synchronised swimming is the first event since the opening of this year’s world swimming championships.It lasts for seven consecutive days and lasts for about six hours every day.The announcer needs to finish the interpretation of the sports events and also finish the interaction with the audience.Such a long live broadcast brings several problems: first,how to ensure the audience and the viscosity of the program;Secondly,how to fill seven hours of language to avoid language shortage;Finally,how to control the interpretation rhythm and better complete the interpretation task.In the early stage of preparation,I watched a lot of fina synchronized swimming events,learned about the history of national teams and athletes,understood the rules of synchronized swimming,and set interactive topics in different periods.In the interpretation process,real-time attention to message interaction,to achieve both accurate interpretation,and reasonable popularization,as far as possible to expand the service group.Daily after the match with CCTV commentary in a timely manner to find out the gap,make up for the lack of innovation.Based on the reality of interpretation work,this paper will discuss the related problems of rhythm control in sports interpretation from the aspects of preliminary preparation,interpretation and narrative skills.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sports commentary, Rhythm control, World championships, live
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