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Research On Problem-solving Teaching To Cultivate High-level Chemistry Thinking Ability Of High School Students

Posted on:2021-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Ordinary High School Chemistry Curriculum Standard(2017 Edition)" focuses on the cultivation of students thinking ability,advocates the use of higher-order thinking to solve complex problems,and promotes the formation and development of students' higher-order thinking ability in chemistry.Problem solving teaching has obvious advantages in cultivating students' critical ability,questioning spirit,scientific inquiry and thinking ability,etc.Exploring the problem solving teaching to promote the development of students' higher-order thinking ability is worth exploring.Firstly,reading new curriculum standard on the content of the higher-order thinking ability,combined with domestic and foreign related research achievements of problem solving teaching and higher-order thinking ability,discusses the relationship between problem solving teaching and higher-order thinking ability,construct teaching strategies of situation reality,knowledge problem and problem quality,adopt anchored teaching mode,to establish the theory basis for the practice,build problem solving teaching model of higher order thinking ability,guide the teaching practice.research shows that problem solving teaching can promote the development of higher-order thinking ability.Secondly,some contents of the " electrochemical basis" in senior high school chemistry in the people's education edition was selected and the teaching design was conducted for three classes.With the goal of cultivating higher-order thinking ability,teaching strategy and anchored teaching mode were applied to the teaching design.The research shows that the corresponding teaching strategies and teaching modes can be adopted to realize problem solving teaching promote the formation of higher-order thinking ability.Finally,the teaching design is carried out practice.In order to test students' learning effect,conduct in-class test and feedback test.Through the analysis of teaching fragments and test,the teaching effect is diagnosed.The research shows problem solving teaching promotes the formation of students' higher-order thinking ability.The research shows problem solving teaching can cultivate students' higher-order thinking ability,and the teaching practice process can provide a reference for front-line teachers to cultivate students' higher-order thinking ability in chemistry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Problem solving teaching, Higher-order thinking ability, Senior high school chemistry
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