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Research On The Impact Of Chongqing's Real Estate Policy Adjustments On Housing Demand Since 2010

Posted on:2019-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330566979892Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Housing is the most basic material for survival,and living demand is one of the most basic human needs.Housing is almost a necessity for the residents of our country.Owning a house is the mainstream value for most residents.It will produce better self-evaluation in social comparison,and also enhance their sense of control and safety for life.After 1998 Chinese opened the monetization of housing distribution,especially in the past ten years,the rapid development of the real estate industry,housing prices gradually rise,more because the duality of real estate investment and consumption,which rely solely on the regulation of prices tends to a rational price determined by supply and demand is difficult to achieve the real estate market,the market allocation of resources has not reasonable,directly or indirectly affect the social stability and harmony.Chongqing is the only municipality in Western Chinese,in recent years a series of real estate control policies to regulate and promote the healthy development of the real estate market,both to ensure that the basic supply of housing,but also take into account the needs of multi-level consumers,but also to guide housing consumption pattern adjustment and upgrading,to achieve "home ownership".Based on a systematic collection of real estate policy information both about Chongqing since 2010,this paper investigated the main stages and regulation direction of real estate policy,and clarified its historical line.And combining documentary research method with investigation method,qualitative research,and empirical analysis,etc.this paper gathered and grouped the transaction data of newly-built commercial houses in Chongqing’s main urban districts,analyzing,from the perspectives of total amount,structure and levels,the positive and negative effects of recent years’ real estate policy on housing demands in Chongqing’s main urban districts,and offering some proposals.The results show that the positive effects of real estate policy on housing demands turned out to be an effective offering,stable prices;and in terms of living space the ratio of demands structure remains 1:4:5;in terms of housing quality high-rise buildings keeps more than 70% all the time,in terms of hierarchy of needs rigid demands are met,demands for improving housing condition continuing to rise,political-related commercial houses being effectively supplemented,and investing and speculating demands being effectively controlled.While the negative effects of real estate policy on housing demands emerged as different time-lags in effect-producing,restricts on the proper housing demands brought by government’s one-size-fits-all policy,chronic problems in structurally insufficient supply,and defects in the macro regulation of land supply.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chongqing City, Real Estate Policy and Regulation, Housing Demands, Positive and Negative Effects
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