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A Research On A Database Company Business Strategy

Posted on:2021-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330614971084Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through the actual work experience,this thesis combines the enterprise management strategy related theory and takes the material A database limited company(hereinafter referred to as A company)actual operation internal and external environment to carry on the research.At present,in the process of information construction in our country,basic software(including operating system,database and middleware)plays an extremely important role in the information work of various industries,especially the need for database.But our country at present in each profession informatization work,to the database choice almost all chooses the foreign product.The promotion of foreign products in the database market in the past few decades has monopolized almost all industries Demand for databases in chemistry.Another reason is the lack of state-owned database software manufacturers to formulate business strategies and long-term goals that meet the needs of their own development.Therefore,for Company A's business strategy,emphasis needs to be placed on the key role of the database,the choice of a business strategy that meets its own requirements,and the formulation of ways for it to truly implement that strategic objective in line with the company's development.Using data mining technology to extract useful data information from a large number of data,at the same time,in order to provide scientific basis for enterprise decision-making,it is necessary to optimize the marketing strategy of database in China to promote the development of the whole industry,and also to provide a strong guarantee for the development of science and technology and the national information security.Through the actual work experience,this paper uses the literature analysis method to collect,comb and summarize the domestic and foreign scholars' research on the database,and uses the case study method to take the A database company as the research object,based on the enterprise strategy related theory,respectively uses the pest model and the SWOT model.And analyze it Operating status quo for A database company business strategy and safeguard measures.The research formulation and the follow-up implementation process of the company's business strategy can be set as the implementation strategy of the short-term target work of company A.The main purpose of this paper is to increase the share of A company in the database market,to build the first brand of domestic database as the long-term goal,and to formulate the strategic implementation plan in line with the long-term development of A company.
Keywords/Search Tags:Database, Business Strategy, PEST Model, SWOT Model
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