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An evaluation of onsite siloxane monitoring technique and siloxane adsorption isotherm derivatives

Posted on:2010-12-09Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Zhang, NiFull Text:PDF
The energy value of biogas has become increasingly attractive due to the combination of costs of energy, increased demand for power and the current uncertainties in the oil industry. The technical problems encountered when using biogas as an energy source require consideration of many aspects, including the chemical composition and the respective thermodynamic processes involved. The problems that these trace compounds generate can severely damage the energy recovery equipment, thus reducing the economic benefit of using biogas. These problems arise because during the energy recovery process, the siloxane compounds are converted to abrasive microcrystalline silica, which has chemical and physical properties similar to those of glass. The hardness of this residue leads to abrasion of the gas engine surfaces. The crystalline sand also accumulates in exposed oil and coats turbine surfaces, which is commonly known as the siloxane fouling problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:Siloxane, Energy
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