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Components of cognitive flexibility in adults

Posted on:2010-10-02Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:York University (Canada)Candidate:Moradzadeh, LindaFull Text:PDF
The ability to think flexibility is vital for optimal performance in everyday tasks. The present study looked at constructs that may contribute to cognitive flexibility in adults, including processing speed, inhibition, and working memory strength. Task switching, specifically switch cost, was used as a measure of cognitive flexibility. Results showed that working memory strength and inhibition significantly predict switch cost. Specifically, inhibition significantly predicted local switch cost. However, working memory strength did not significantly predict global switch cost. The findings suggest that working memory and inhibition both contribute to task switching ability in adults, however further research is needed to determine the association between working memory strength and global switch cost. The theoretical implications are discussed for directed inhibition and working memory strength accounts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Working memory strength, Flexibility, Switch cost, Inhibition
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