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A comparative analysis of the New York Times [U.S.A.] and the Nation Media Group [Kenya] presidential opinion polls coverage 90 days prior to election day

Posted on:2010-03-03Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Marshall UniversityCandidate:Okoth, DavidFull Text:PDF
This study seeks to find out whether there exists a relationship between the New York Times (U.S.) and the Nation Media Group (Kenya) coverage of presidential opinion poll results 90 days prior to Election Day. One research hypothesis was identified; (H1) that there is a relationship -- of difference -- in how the two publications cover presidential opinion poll stories. The study identified 440 presidential opinion poll stories over a 90-day period prior to Election Day. It analyzed election coverage from October-December 2007 for the Nation and August-November 2008 for the Times..;The study established that the two publications had a marked difference in how they covered the presidential opinion poll stories in relation to two schematics, which are game versus governing; but a striking resemblance on how presidential contenders were portrayed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Presidential opinion poll, Times, Nation, Election, Coverage, Prior
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