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Mortgaging God's interest accommodating and mainstreaming Shari'ah Compliant Mortgage products in the United States

Posted on:2009-12-25Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Beydoun, Khaled AFull Text:PDF
The Muslim American community is growing in number, wealth, and further establishing itself as an integral part of American society. However, for many Muslim Americans who strictly abide by Islam's tenets, homeownership is still out of reach. Although the Islamic finance industry is growing stateside, the industry is still limited and under-serving the potential demand of the growing market. As a result, access to Shari'ah Compliant Mortgage (SCM) products remains difficult for Muslim Americans. The American emphasis on religious neutrality and cosmopolitanism requires accommodation of Muslim citizens. In order to maximize the potential of this market's demand, Islamic mortgage products must be further accommodated by law and integrated into the business of mainstream banks. SCM's offered by mainstream banks will not only furnish the under-served Muslim American market with an opportunity to "buy" into America and reinvest in their own "social citizenship," but also provide this community with an opportunity to invest in religiously sanctioned home mortgages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mortgage, Muslim, Products, American
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