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Impacts of resource development on traditional land use and traditional ecological knowledge of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation

Posted on:2008-03-21Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Arai, YukiFull Text:PDF
This thesis explores the impacts of industrial resource development (e.g. oil/gas extraction and forestry) on traditional land use (e.g. hunting, trapping, and gathering) and traditional ecological knowledge, by providing a case study of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation community, located in west-central Alberta, Canada. In-depth interviews conducted with traditional land use experts revealed how the ongoing resource development and resource management policies are infringing on Alexis people's rights and affecting their traditional knowledge systems. Research findings were analyzed by a sociological approach, which enabled illustration of the socio-political factors that underlie Aboriginal issues in Alberta. I conclude that a combination of conflicting interests/values and imbalance in political power is causing the infringement of Alexis people's rights and the destruction of Alexis' traditional knowledge systems. I suggest that presenting health concerns to the government and increasing training opportunities would promote participation of Alexis people in resource management decision-making processes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Resource, Traditional, Alexis
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