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Securities regulation in Canada: Rules-based versus principles-based approach

Posted on:2005-04-14Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Dashkova, IrinaFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents a study of the Canada's securities regulation from the perspective of the regulatory tools that should be used for capital market regulation in Canada. This research: (a) puts forward criteria that must be met for the establishment of an ideal capital market regulatory structure in Canada, (b) undertakes a comparative analysis of the current legislation, the Uniform Securities Legislation model and the British Columbia securities regulatory model on the basis of these criteria, and (c) draws conclusions as to the optimal means of regulating the Canadian capital market that would best meet the offered criteria and suit the unique nature of the Canadian common law regulatory system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities, Regulation, Canada, Regulatory
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