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An examination of the relation among suicide, problem-solving appraisal, and hopelessness in African American women

Posted on:2012-05-03Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Fielding Graduate UniversityCandidate:Wallace, Triphinia MargaretFull Text:PDF
This review of literature examines links among suicide, problem-solving appraisal, and hopelessness in African American women. Several models attempt to explain relationships among problem-solving (e.g., Problem-solving Deficit [PSD]) Diathesis Stress Model), hopelessness (e.g., Sense of Coherence---SOC; Hopelessness Theory) and suicide (External Restraint Theory) in African American populations. The current study examined links among problem-solving appraisal, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation and behavior in African American women. The sample was extracted from archives of a larger study that assessed a culturally competent intervention group for low income African American women with histories of suicidal attempts and found (a) that as problem-solving appraisal scores increased (i.e., more problem-solving appraisal deficits) so did expressed feelings of hopelessness, suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviors, (b) and that hopelessness fully mediated relationships among problem-solving appraisal, problem-solving confidence, approach avoidance style, and suicidal ideation/behavior. Hopelessness was not shown to mediate between personal control of emotions and suicidal ideation/behavior.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hopelessness, Problem-solving appraisal, African american, Among, Suicide, Suicidal
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