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Financial points of entry. Sovereign wealth funds: Hidden security threat or smart finance

Posted on:2012-09-02Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Georgetown UniversityCandidate:Lang, Lillian ElisabethFull Text:PDF
Sovereign Wealth Funds, the investment funds of sovereign governments, gained momentum in recent years. There are questions as to what regulation should be in place regarding these funds at a domestic and international level. The controversy surrounds whether foreign governments could use SWFs as a form of power and effectively undermine U.S. security. This thesis seeks to examine (1) whether countries will use their SWFs as a form of power and if so, how; (2) whether SWFs are, stabilizing or destabilizing factors for the international economy; (3) the extent to which SWF activities are or can be made transparent. Are the U.S. and the international community ready for sovereign states to become major players in the global financial market?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sovereign, Funds
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