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Validation of the blister peel as a method of measuring adhesion

Posted on:1997-04-05Degree:M.S.EngType:Thesis
University:University of Massachusetts LowellCandidate:Kummailil, John JFull Text:PDF
A blister peel tester was developed to study the adhesive performance of a pressure sensitive adhesive tape. Different modeling methods the test were reviewed, and the most applicable one was chosen. The blister test fracture energy of the adhesive tape was compared to the 180{dollar}spcirc{dollar} peel. Wetting behavior by both tests were compared to a microscopic study of wetting. Blister test fracture energies measured at increasing times ranged between 148 and 657 J/m{dollar}sp2{dollar} near the hole, and between 88 and 504 J/m{dollar}sp2{dollar} along the surface; while the 180{dollar}spcirc{dollar} test energies varied between 250 and 695 J/m{dollar}sp2{dollar}. Retardation times obtained by the blister test were 98 minutes near the hole, and 92 minutes for the surface of the sample. Retardation times from visual data and the 180{dollar}spcirc{dollar} peel were 89 and 101 minutes respectively. The agreement of three measurement methods validates the blister peel test as a measure of fracture energy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Blister peel, Adhesive tape, Fracture energy
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