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Language learning strategies and their relationship to achievement gains on two English language proficiency measures

Posted on:1999-10-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Universite Laval (Canada)Candidate:Lalonde, ChristineFull Text:PDF
This study re-examined the effect of language learning strategy use on language performance gains using the Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) by Oxford (1986, 1990a & b). Participants were 22 francophone students enrolled in a six-week English immersion program offered at Universite Laval. Spearman rho correlation was applied to determine whether responses to the SILL related to performance gains on the Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency (MTELP) and the Listening Comprehension Test (LCT). The study also examined the effects of gender and learning environment on strategy use. Analyses revealed no significant positive correlations between SILL categories and gains on either proficiency measure, nor were there significant gender differences in strategy use. Examination of strategy patterns showed that this group used strategies differently than learners in other learning environments suggesting a relationship between language learning environment and strategy use. These findings indicate that the effect of learning environment on strategy use warrants further investigation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Language learning, Strategy, Gains, Learning environment, English, Proficiency
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