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Buy American: A case study of NATO expansion and the American arms industry

Posted on:1999-06-26Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Duquesne UniversityCandidate:Yoder, Angela DawnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2466390014472594Subject:Political science
Most experts agree the military, government and industry are closely connected in the American policy-making arena. However, an exact measurement of the relationship between foreign policy creation and weapons exportation is very difficult to establish because of the special nature of both the global arms trade and the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC). This paper highlights NATO's eastern expansion, in order to examine and explain the defense industry's role in foreign policy formation. While American foreign policy decisions are based on several criteria, the case-study will show that the American defense industry, based on its motivation for a profit, uses various methods and mechanisms, in order to secure its global export market. The research concludes that in order to sell its products abroad, the American defense industry must collectively apply pressure and influence on relevant foreign policy. This includes both direct policy, such as NATO expansion; but also indirect policies, such as increasing the financing opportunities for foreign buyers.
Keywords/Search Tags:American, Policy, Expansion, Industry, Foreign
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