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Congress and American trade policy: An analysis of the fast track procedures, 1974-1994

Posted on:1998-07-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Johnstone, Jeffrey DavidFull Text:PDF
GTID:2469390014977909Subject:Political science
This is an investigation of Congress and American trade policy, 1974-1994, with specific reference to the fast track procedures from US trade law. Using a Lowian approach, American trade policy is analyzed during the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement, The North American Free Trade Agreement, and the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations. After analyzing seven different episodes of congressional consideration of the fast-track procedures and the politics surrounding that issue, it is suggested that the trade policy process has developed around this procedural mechanism. In essence, the fast-track has become an institution in the trade policy arena with a politics consonant to itself.
Keywords/Search Tags:Trade policy, Fast track procedures, Political science, Free trade agreement
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