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Factors Contributing to Student Satisfaction and Academic Experience: A Rural Community College Correlational Study

Posted on:2019-06-14Degree:PHD/HEType:Thesis
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Mallett, AshleyFull Text:PDF
GTID:2477390017987216Subject:Higher education administration
Student satisfaction at higher education institutions involves multiple contributing factors, including the educational learning environment, but evidence has primarily focused on 4-year universities, not 2-year community colleges. The purpose of this quantitative correlational study was to assess the factors contributing to student satisfaction and academic experiences at a rural community college in the western United States. A sample size of 140, drawn from the population of 2,500 undergraduate students, was used to determine if a correlational relationship existed between the criterion variable of student satisfaction and seven predictor variables: (a) student demographics, (b) academic advising experience, (c) traditional classroom environment, (d) academic programs offered, (e) course availability, (f) faculty course delivery, and (g) faculty interaction. Reliability and validity of the developed survey tool was tested through Cronbach's Alpha (alpha). Results from a Spearman's Rho (rs) correlation analysis determined that no statistically significant relationship existed between student satisfaction and student demographics, accepting the null hypothesis associated with the research question. Remaining results from Spearman's Rho (rs) correlation analysis determined a statistically significant relationship between the criterion variable of student satisfaction and the remaining six predictor variables, rejecting the null hypotheses associated with the research questions. Future efforts of rural community college administrators looking to increase student satisfaction through academic experiences among the student population may consult published research for support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Student satisfaction, Rural community college, Academic, Factors, Contributing, Correlational
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