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Enhancing AITF's change leadership capability and organizational adaptability to enable transformative change

Posted on:2015-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Conway, Caroline JFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alberta Innovates - Technology Solutions (AITF) is an integral player in Alberta's research and innovation system. It provides applied research and commercialization services for new technology solutions to support Alberta's industry sectors. AITF was undertaking a significant transformational journey to change its operating model in response to internal and external drivers which required enhanced change leadership skills to manage the transformation. Through the use of action research, and specifically through a survey and focus groups, this inquiry identified areas for change leadership enhancement. Research sub-questions related to identifying the current state of change leadership and actions AITF could take to improve the management of change. Findings confirmed a desire for staff and manager engagement in the change process; key findings included the importance of impact analysis, transition planning, cultural influences, and leader-follower relationships. Recommendations suggested AITF's leadership take actions to confirm, adopt, and support change leadership as a strategic leadership competency.
Keywords/Search Tags:AITF, Change leadership
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