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Research On High Power Precise Dc Power Supply Based On Phase-shifted Full Bridge Converter

Posted on:2022-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2492306569977359Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the popularity and development of electronics,communications,welding and other fields,the performance requirements of power supply are more and more high.Currently,for its large size and low efficiency,linear power supply has been gradually replaced by switching power supply.The development of phase-shifted full-bridge soft switching technology decreased switching power loss and improved efficiency.The development of digital control realized the precise control of the power supply and improves the output precision of the power supply.However,the traditional switching power supply still has some problems,such as the output precision of voltage and current is not accurate,the scope of work is limited,audio noise and ripple noise exist under light load.In order to improve the output precision of the power supply,reduce the audio noise and ripple noise,this paper aimed at the high power precision DC power supply.Firstly,for the above problems existing in the power supply,a dual voltage regulation method is proposed,which is based on the circuit topology of the front stage semi-controlled rectifier circuit and the back stage phase-shifted full-bridge inverter.And adopts double closed-loop feedback control strategy,realizes the precise control of high power precise DC power supply.The dynamic model of phase-shifted fullbridge converter is established and the corresponding PI control parameters are designed to realize high precision of power supply.Then,this paper introduces the working principle and working process of the main circuit topology of phase-shifted full-bridge converter.On the base of this,the hardware circuit of high power precision DC power supply is designed.The selection basis of the key components in the main circuit topology are given.The control circuit was based on STM32F105 as the main controller,and the corresponding peripheral circuit is designed.Meanwhile,the software system of high power precision DC power supply is designed to realize the output control of the whole power supply.And the system has the functions of the human-computer interaction,fault handling,communication and so on.At last,a high power precision DC power supply prototype was manufactured and the performance of the power supply was tested.The experimental results show that the output voltage and current waveform is stable,high output precision and high efficiency,meet the design requirements.
Keywords/Search Tags:phase-shift full bridge, soft switching, half controlled rectifier, precision power supply
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