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A Critical Discourse Analysis Of Brexit News Reports In The Guardian And The Daily Telegraph

Posted on:2021-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L YeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306026499864Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Brexit is one of the hottest international issues at the moment,and it is also a political event which has attracted extensive attention from local and foreign media.During the process of Brexit,the major British media all report the event with different focuses and standpoints.This thesis selects 30 Brexit news reports from The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian respectively.In view of Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Framework and Halliday’s Systemic-functional Grammar,the author carries out a critical analysis of selected linguistic data.Specifically,the author analyzes the selected news discourse through three levels: description(including high-frequency words,keywords,modal words and transitivity),interpretation(including reported modes and news sources)and explanation(involving the historical,cultural background and political and economic status quo of Britain)from the aspects of text,discursive practice and social practice.Then draws a conclusion that The Daily Telegraph supports Brexit and The Guardian opposes Brexit,unveils the interaction among language,power,and ideology in The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian,confirming that the news media consciously manipulate the audience,thereby affect their attitudes and views on news events.This thesis comprehensively studies the linguistic characteristics of news discourse related to Brexit,supplements the discourse analysis of political discourse,and extends the application of Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Framework.At the same time,the study will help readers improve their critical thinking ability,have their own opinions,and learn to think independently.Readers should not be at the mercy of the author’s thought of the text they read and are supposed to improve their anti-control consciousness,which is also a necessary quality in modern society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Critical Discourse Analysis, Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Framework, Brexit, news report
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