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A Report On Computer-aided Translation Of English Pharmaceutical Text Neurotoxicological Effects And The Mode Of Action Of Pyrethroid Insecticides

Posted on:2021-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H DouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306038954169Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of international pharmaceutical exchanges and cooperation,the demands for the translation of pharmaceutical texts are growing rapidly.The translation of such texts usually requires a heavy load of work,and the translation quality must satisfy the professional standards.Therefore,how to balance translation efficiency and quality has become a challenge for professional translators.From Jun.2018 to Oct.2019,the author worked as an intern at ECLOC Biomedical Translation Co.,Ltd.During this period,he participated in the EnglishChinese translation project of a pharmaceutical text entrusted by Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp.The project was carried out by a team.As a team member,the author was responsible for the translation of the part entitled Neurotoxicological Effects and the Mode of Action of Pyrethroid Insecticides.Thus,this report is based on this pharmaceutical text,which consists of about 1,5000 words and needs to be completed within seven days.As was required by the translation company and was also widely adopted in the translation of pharmaceutical literature,the author first completed the first draft by the computer-aided translation software Memo Q.Second,the author improved the first draft in reference to the source text.Third,the author submitted the final version in time,which satisfied the client’s standards prescribed,marking the end of the project.In the report,the author recalls the translation procedure,and explores the problems and law through case analysis.The emphasis of the research is given to the following three points: how to ensure the balance between quality and efficiency by pre-translation preparation and post-translation editing,how to resolve the problems under the guidance of theory to improve quality,and the methods that this report provides for the computer-aided translators in this field.In this report,the author adopts House’s Assessment Model of Translation Quality as a theory or guidance for the practice of computer-aided translation,the analysis and solution of problems,as well as gathering experience.In terms of the management of translation procedure,translation companies usually design standardized translation procedures in advance.Take the company where the author worked as an intern as an example.The project manager first completed the pretranslation preparations,including the creation of term base and translation memory,and the configuration of a plugin for machine translation.All these prepared well for the consistency of terms and the editing of machine translation.During translation,the translator produced his human translation by editing machine translation and running QA(Quality Assurance)check.Then,a review was conducted by professional reviewers.At length the project manager unified the format,added information to improve the quality of target version by checking,correcting mistakes and doing paper work.Under the guidance of House’s model,the author analyzes the process of the project from the perspective of field,tenor,and mode,as well as the concrete questions.During the process of editing machine translation,the translator is supposed to pay attention to the following aspects: the accuracy of terminologies,the identification of common words bearing medical implications,style consistency,acceptability,long sentences,and cohesion and coherence.Finally,on the basis of case analysis,the author further explores some universal methods for post-translation editing: finding exact equivalents for terminologies,using technical expressions,correcting errors in language and punctuations,adopting impersonal structures,dividing complex sentences,and repeating grammatical components.This report is intended to provide a reference for other computer-aided translators.
Keywords/Search Tags:pharmaceutical text, pre-translation analysis, computer-aided translation, translation procedure management
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