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The Value Of Jia Youfu’s Sky Expression Form In Contemporary Landscape Painting

Posted on:2021-11-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q N JiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of Chinese landscape painting has experienced long,as the changes of The Times and people different aesthetic level,also more and more attention to innovation,but at the same time there are a lot of people to look to the traditional landscape painting style,depicting the remains of the rocks,trees and houses,boat,knot a few kinds big,can’t walk out of the shackles of tradition,we want to find the breakthrough point,can never areas,such as the manifestation of the sky,the sky as an important component part of the landscape painting,plays a powerful role to foil atmosphere to create artistic conception.The ancients is to apply colours to a drawing the atmosphere to describe most of the sky,is commonly used pale ink rendering or white space,also cause people to the sky in the form of cognitive performance is not enough,Jia Youfu’s sky is not only to foil atmosphere,more of a personal feelings,the spirit world,he broke the stylized,seek a kind of symbolic,to their emotional way,Jia Youfu is not the same as the ancients,he’s the sky from time to time is like a mountain,like a stone,and sometimes like the sea,go,give a person vast space for imagination.This paper focuses on the expression form of the sky in jia youfu’s landscape paintings,takes the traditional and modern period as the research premise,systematically analyzes the specific expression form of the sky,and deeply studies the features of jia youfu’s works and their value to the development of contemporary landscape paintings.The paper is divided into four parts,the first chapter is the traditional landscape painting and modern landscape painting of the expression of the sky to make a certain summary.The second chapter is the central part of the paper,from three aspects Jia Youfu landscape painting in the form of the sky,one is the understanding of the "yun jin tian zhang",the second is ink features,the third is to create artistic conception,by way of the splash-ink splashed color,black and white contrast,reflects the style is different from previous,and cloud and light as the starting point for research work it he transfer of artistic conception.The sky in the third chapter is Jia Youfu landscape painting form of value in the development of contemporary landscape painting,his works can impress the audience,to be able to have a distinctive style of painting,has significant influence in the painting,also thanks to his gives the basic object to the spiritual connotation,use the picture peculiar image language.Chapter four discusses the inspiration and influence of Jia youfu’s sky expression on the author’s creation.Jia youfu combined Chinese landscape painting with traditional cultural thoughts and reflected on and examined art from a philosophical perspective,thus forming his style of landscape painting.In the context of today’s culture and art,landscape constantly seeking new changes,to make it present a new face in due course on the basis of the traditional,therefore,to select the sky as a breakthrough for further research is necessary,such not only can make up for the landscape painting part is missing,also for the development of landscape painting created more possible,highlights its role and have the meaning of existence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sky representation, Pen and ink characteristics, Create artistic conception, The spirit of innovation
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