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A Comparative Study Of William Turner And Constable’s Landscape Oil Painting

Posted on:2021-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306230455994Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When discussing the independence period of British landscape painting in 19’s century,William Turner and John Constable are the two painters that must be mentioned.It is these two artists that lead British landscape painting in 19’s century to all-round development and maturity,which is a nonnegligible turning point in the history of British painting.William Turner and John Constable,as the two pioneers of British painting in 19’s century,showed their rich painting characteristics in the same period,their achievement in landscape painting is also most influential.Although both of their paintings usually express the respect and love to nature,the way they combined reality and imagination to fulfill their works are different,which results in the difference of their landscape painting style.In this paper,comparative research method is adopted to compare the themes,thoughts and skills within William Turner and John Constable’s landscape paintings.First part of this paper is the elaboration of the evolution and formation of early British landscape painting.Then this paper discusses the reasons for the different characteristics of their landscape paintings,basing on the background of themselves and times.After that,comes the comparison of romanticism,light and color in their works.At the end of the paper is a summary of their works’ influence on later schools of painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:William Turner, John Constable, British landscape painting, comparative research
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