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The Influence And Enlightenment Of Gong Xian’s Accumulated Of Ink On The Creation Of Modern And Contemporary Landscape Paintings

Posted on:2021-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306230492134Subject:Master of Fine Arts (Fine Arts)
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The accumulation of ink is the most basic and also the most important technique of Chinese traditional landscape painting.Had used a landscape painting start-up period sketch and color in painting method,with the further development of Chinese landscape painting history,all kinds of landscape painting techniques have been rich,especially the development of the method of JiMo,make its gradually become one of indispensable in ink performance of Chinese traditional landscape painting method,and gradually become a landscape painting depicting rich magnificent natural mountains and rivers with one of the most distinctive features of the landscape painting in ink technique,so the importance of JiMo method in landscape painting art.As an important way of expression of Gong Xian’s landscape painting,the method of accumulation of ink has evolved from the traditional landscape painting in China,and has not been directly influenced or influenced by western paintings.This is particularly valuable in terms of better displaying and displaying the style and characteristics of traditional Chinese landscape painting.However,Gong Xian gave full play to the uniqueness and charm of the traditional ink-accumulation method in his paintings.His reinvention of the traditional ink-accumulation method has opened up a acupuncture point for the inheritance and development of the brush and ink language of contemporary Chinese landscape painting.Through in-depth study of traditional JiMo method and Gong Xian JiMo landscape,we can find Gong Xian JiMo method of genius,and analyze how he to relatively unified,simple in ink and pen to exhibit a rich layers of two sides,and the dry deposition of ink method showed the effect of wet deposition,in order to later generations on the inheritance and innovation of the JiMo method to provide more knowledge and experience.In this paper,Gong Xian,who achieved the highest achievement in the field of accumulation of ink,is taken as the starting point to analyze the significant influenceand inspiration of his accumulation of ink on the current landscape painting creation.Gong Xian article mainly divided into three main parts: the first part,first of all,starting from the meaning of the word "JiMo method",JiMo method is briefly analyzed in the history of the evolution and development process of concrete from JuRan,Li Cheng in the northern Song dynasty and the five dynasties Fan Kuan,one of the four famous Li Tang southern song dynasty,Yuan dynasty of Wang Meng,"one of the four" Ming Shen Zhou,first of "jinling" eight Gong Xian JiMo et al.Analysis method of the evolution of the process.Then,starting from Gong Xian,who achieved the highest achievement in the accumulation of ink,this paper analyzes the development process of his accumulation of ink landscape,how it developed from "White Gong" to "Black Gong",and how it influenced and inspired the current landscape painting creation.The second part mainly analyzes the influence of Gong Xian’s accumulated ink landscape from the artistic creation of Li KeRan and Jia YouFu,the modern and contemporary landscape painters.Jia YouFu’s taixing monument and tiannu map were used to analyze his reference and innovation of ink-accumulation method.The third part is the enlightenment of gong xian’s accumulative ink landscape painting to my painting creation,including the inspiration of study and the application of gong xian’s accumulative ink landscape painting and schema.
Keywords/Search Tags:Accumulated ink method, Gong Xian landscape painting, Li Keran, Jia Youfu, Influence
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