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A Report On E-C Translation Of Innovation And Expansion In Translation Process Research(Excerpt)

Posted on:2020-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L GuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306305995079Subject:Translation Master
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Computers can help people acquire information presented in the source language.By quickly transferring the source language into the target language,machine translation is designed to help people to overcome language barriers.Notably,machine translation studies share common ground with linguistics,computer science,mathematics as well as other disciplines.A comprehensive introduction of machine translation will enable translators and researchers to better understand the historical developmentand research methodology.This in turn helps obtain positive effects on the development of translation process theories.The source texts chosen in this report are the two articles on machine translation which are taken from the book Innovation and Expansion in Translation Process Research(2018).In terms of the text type,the two articles are considered informative texts and contain some technical terms.Throughout this translation task process,under the framework of the Relevance Theory,the author completed the translation task with the help of computer-assisted translation tools in order to explore the translation process in the Big Data era,discussed translation methods and summarized the translation experience.This translation practice report contains four chapters.Chapter One is the task description,which discusses the background as well as its significance and linguistic features.Chapter Two introduces the translation process,which includes the preparatory work before translation,as well as the planning and quality control aspects of the translation process.Chapter Three analyzes the cases concerning the translation memory database,the Relevance Theory and passive sentence.Chapter Four is the summary,which concludes how to use computer-assisted translation tools to complete the translation task.In conclusion,although computer-assisted translation tools are able to assist the translator in finishing the translation task,human translators still play a vital role in the translation process.
Keywords/Search Tags:machine translation, Relevance Theory, translation tools, computer aided translation
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