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A Comparative Study Of News Reports On COVID-19 In China Daily And New York Times:A CDA Approach

Posted on:2022-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306320450144Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Critical Discourse Analysis regards language as a social practice,and further searches the relationship among language,power,and ideology.As a medium that can slightly impact the public,news discourse has always drawn the attention of critical discourse analysis theorists.The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has seriously threatened the lives and health of the people and it has developed into a global public health emergency.So the relevant news reports issued by media organizations are particularly important.Among them,China Daily and New York Times are two influential and authoritative newspapers in China and America.Therefore,this thesis will carry on the critical discourse analysis to the related news report discourse,thus excavates the hidden ideology in the news reports.This thesis will endeavour to answer the following three questions: First,the similarities and differences of language features in the selected news reports.Second,the different ideologies behind these language features in selected news reports.Third,reasons that causes these different language features and ideologies in selected news reports.This thesis takes Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar as an analytical tool and Fairclough’s three-dimensional model serves as an analytical framework to carry out a critical comparative analysis of 11 news reports on COVID-19 selected from China Daily and New York Times.It compares and analyzes the selected news samples from three stages and analyzes the language characteristics employing transitivity,modality,reporting mode,and news source,to reveal the ideological differences implied in the news discourse.The study shows that there are some linguistic similarities and differences between China Daily and New York Times in news reports.In the stage of description,through the analysis of transitivity and modality,people can get known that the material process is the most frequently used process in these six main processes whether in China Daily or New York Times.Besides,China Daily is more concerned about the people affected by the COVID-19 and pays more attention to the various measures to be taken,while New York Times has taken the opportunity to suppress China in many ways.Modal verbs of medium value are commonly used in China Daily,while the low value in New York Times.In the stage of interpretation,through the comparative analysis of news reporting modes and news sources,it is found that China Daily cited different news sources,mainly leaders of various countries,while in New York Times news sources are mainly from the United States.China Daily and New York Times have used a lot of direct quotations to prove the objectivity and authenticity of the news.In the stage of explanation,the differences of news reports on COVID-19 in the Chinese and American media are due to different institutional factors and social-economic reasons.Through the description and analysis of related news reports,this research aims to reveal how news discourse implicitly expresses the relationship between discourse,ideology,and power,and then interprets these reasons through discourse practice analysis and socio-cultural context analysis.On the one hand,it is proved that the application of Fairclough’s three-dimensional model and Halliday’s Systematic Functional Grammar in critical discourse analysis is effective and suitable,which provides a reference for future research.On the other hand,during the reading of news discourse,it is necessary to remind readers to realize the ideology hidden behind the news reports and form their critical thinking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Critical Discourse Analysis, news reports on COVID-19, comparative analysis, Fairclough’s Three-dimensional Model, Systemic Functional Grammar
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