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A Report On The E-C Translation Of Psychological Perspectives On Financial Decision Making(Chapter 3)

Posted on:2022-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M ZhenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306476484394Subject:Translation Master
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Neuroeconomics is a new interdisciplinary field,which applies neuroscience technology to determine the neural mechanism related to financial decision making.It covers a range of disciplines such as economics,psychology and neurobiology.The study of neuroeconomics not only promotes the study of positive economics to a new level,but also contributes to the development of microeconomics such as behavioral economics and empirical economics.Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making,written by Tomasz Zaleskiewicz and Joe Herbert,presents a comprehensive introduction about neuroeconomics.The translation of the book will help Chinese readers have a better understanding of this discipline.The source text is the third chapter of Psychological Perspectives on Financial Decision Making.The key topic of this chapter is the role of hormones,such as testosterone,cortisol and oxytocin.This chapter presents how these hormones influence risk appetite,reward system and competition in financial decision making.The excerpted part involves in both biomedical and economic fields and it is characterized by using a large number of professional,complex and rigorous expressions.Katharina Reiss’ s text typology theory is chosen to guide the translation after the analysis of the source text.According to Reiss’ s text typology theory,the excerpted part is an informative text,which puts emphasis on the authenticity of the text,so the translation should focus on the conveying of content and information in the source text.The report mainly consists of four parts.Chapter One introduces the background and significance of the task and the features of the source text.Chapter Two describes the translation process,including the preparations before translation,translation process and post-translation proofreading.Chapter Three illustrates the problems and solutions in the translation process from three perspectives.At the lexical level,the author solves the problems of obscure terminologies and inappropriate translation of common words by searching for parallel texts and determining the meanings in view of the context.At the syntactical level,literal translation and parentheses marking methods are adopted to deal with sentences with parentheses.Translation methods of transforming passive voices and reconstruction are used to deal with the complex sentences.At the textual level,the author employs strategies of omission,splitting,adding conjunctive words for the cohesive and coherent translation.Chapter Four elaborates the limitations and inspirations in the translation task.It is hoped that the report can provide some references for the similar translation activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:neuroeconomics, text typology theory, informative text, translation strategies
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