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A Practice Report On The Post-Editing Of Computer-Aided Translation Of Food Chemistry(Excerpt)

Posted on:2022-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306479971439Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is obvious that the role of computers in all aspects of society has become increasingly apparent nowadays,and the translation industry has also been greatly affected.There is an increasing number of intergovernmental and non-governmental exchanges and cooperation activities between our country and other countries in economic,trade,cultural,and political aspects,and the demand for translation is also increasing.In this case,traditional translation can no longer meet the needs of society,so computer-aided translation software came into being.Moreover,the rapid development of computer-aided translation technology has greatly improved translation quality and efficiency.However,transaltors must realize that the quality of machine translation remains to be discussed,and post-translation editing is an important step to obtain the high-quality translation.This practice report is based on some chapters of “Food Chemistry” with the help of computer-aided translation software SDL Trados 2019 for translation practice.The original text featured by rich data charts,concise and accurate language,and objective expression,which is very suitable for computer-aided translation.The report is composed of four parts.Firstly,it will briefly introduce the original text characteristics and computer-aided translation technology.Then this paper will introduce the computer-aided translation tools used in this translation practice in detail.The third part is the core part of the report.It will first analyze the advantages of computer-aided translation and the MT+PE model,and then combined actual cases,analyze and summarize the typical errors of machine translation and the corresponding post-editing strategies from three levels of words,syntax and discourse.The last chapter is the summary and reflection on this translation practice.Through this translation practice,it hopes that everyone can better understand computer-aided translation technology and provide some references and suggestions for post-editing strategies of computer-aided translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:computer-aided translation, machine translation, post-editing, Trados
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