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An E-C Translation Report Of See What You Made Me Do (Chapter 1)

Posted on:2022-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306509457104Subject:Translation Master
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This is an English-Chinese translation practice,which takes the first chapter of See What You Made Me Do as its source text.See What You Made Me Do is written by an Australian journalist and freelance writer Hill,who presents a hot social issue in Australia: domestic abuse by describing the abusive facts,so as to help readers recognize and get rid of domestic violence.In the translation process,the translator encountered plenty of problems at three levels: lexical,syntactic and textual.The report focuses on the translation processes and methods used to solve these difficulties at three levels through examples.The difficulties at the lexical level mainly include the judgment of part of speech and the translation of proper nouns,for which the translator utilizes conversion of part of speech and annotation.The difficulties at the syntactic level consists of semantic understanding difficulties and long and complex sentences.In order to address these syntactic difficulties,the translator adopts amplification,context-oriented strategy and reinventing sentence structures.The difficulties at the textual level contains indistinctness of textual logic and inconsistence of the words conveying similar meanings,and the translator uses cohesive devices such as conjunction and lexical cohesion accordingly to deal with textual problems.The translation practice and the writing of this report not only give the translator a new understanding of non-fiction literature,but also enhance the translator’s ability to solve the translation problems of this kind of text.Besides,the translator has made great progress in summing up and solving translation problems flexibly.Hoping this translation report can provide valuable reference for future translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:See What You Made Me Do, non-fiction literature, annotation, contex-toriented strategy, lexical cohesion
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