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A Practice Report On Post-editing Of Publicity Text On The Official Website Of Hengan Group

Posted on:2022-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306512466824Subject:Translation Master
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report aims to present the types of Machine Translation(MT)errors and post-editing strategies in translating the official website of Hengan Group,mainly focusing on the introduction of Hengan Group and its products.The terminologies and similar sentence structures with high frequency of repetition exist in the Source Text(ST).Meanwhile,the translator was asked by the client to complete the project within a short time.Therefore,the translator chooses Tencent Translation for MT and post-editing in the CAT software SDL Trados Studio to conduct this project.The report is composed of four chapters,including task description,process description,case analysis of post-editing,and the conclusion.As the description of the translation task,chapter one presents the background,requirements,and significance of this task.The second chapter is a description of the translation practice process,including pre-translation preparation,post-editing,and post-translation revision.In this chapter,the translator focuses on how to carry out the translation project in Trados,including creating the project,Termbase,and Translation Memory(TM),and how to use the alignment function to ensure the consistency of the ST and Target Text(TT)in TM.In the third chapter,the translator analyzes the common types of errors in Machine Translation from the lexical,syntactic and discourse levels and how to post-edit them.Lexical errors include mistranslations of proper nouns,terminologies,polysemous words and culture-loaded words;errors at the syntactic level include mistranslations of non-subject sentences and tense;errors at the discourse level include confusion of subject information,lack of cohesive devices,and redundancy.The last chapter is a summary of this translation practice.Through this practice,the translator found that the post-editing of MT with the help of CAT software can significantly ensure translation efficiency and quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Machine Translation, Computer-aided Translation, Post-editing
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