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Milena’s Research Methods And Significance Of Modernity In Chinese Literature

Posted on:2022-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306542458524Subject:Literature and art
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As a representative of the Prague Sinology School,Milena Dole(?)elová-Velingerová had many achievements in the study of Chinese literature.Milena’s teacher was Jaroslav Pr(?)(?)ek,the founder of Prague Sinology School.Under the influence of Pr(?)(?)ek,Milena regarded Chinese literature as a whole,researched both ancient and modern Chinese literature.On the basis of a deep understanding of Chinese classical literature and cultural traditions,she began to study modern Chinese literature,mainly the fiction of the late Qing Dynasty,with Prague Structuralism as the theoretical resources.Prague structuralism regarded literature as a semiotic fact and paid attention to the analysis of texts.It not only emphasized the inherent tension and self-evolution of structure,but also paid attention to the establishment of the relationship and interaction between literary structure and social structure.Therefore,Milena not only made a structuralist analysis of late Qing fiction,but also put them in a diachronic framework and a cultural picture to trace the specific course and driving force of the evolution of the literary structure.As a result,Milena also studies early literary history,literary theory,conceptual history and modern standard language.Her research is comprehensive,and she can see the essence of cultural phenomena.Milena’s research on the literature of the late Qing Dynasty is not only to improve its status,but also to reflect on the various modern literature concepts that have been shaped from the source,in order to understand the connotation of modernity of Chinese literature and the internal power of the development of modern literature in a more comprehensive and in-depth way.At present,there is a lack of systematic discussion and comprehensive evaluation of Milena’s research methods and achievements.The existing articles mainly focus on Milena’s research in Late-Qing Novels.At first,a brief summary of Milena’s academic experience and various types of research results is made in the introduction,,and the status quo of research on Milena at home and abroad is introduced.In addition,it explains the value of Milena’s exoteric research vision,her research attitude based on literature ontology and the structuralism method she used.In the first part,I will explain Milena’s application of Prague structuralism in her Sinology studies.Firstly,the development path and main theories of the Prague Sinology School are summarized to clarify some misunderstandings about the Prague Structuralism.Secondly,it discusses the theory of Prague Structuralism used by Milena in the analysis of literary structure from three levels: the structure of a single work,the structure of literary tradition and the structure of the whole culture.The second part I will briefly discuss the term "modernity" of the connotation and denotation,then I want to discuss Milena’s specific interpretation of the modernity features in late Qing fiction,from the theme background to the text structure.It also discusses Milena’s multi-angle exploration of the emergence of Chinese literary modernity from the aspects of the construction of literary theory,literary history and the compilation of encyclopedias,and tries to analyze the deep connection between Milena’s different expositions on the characteristics of modernity in the "internal research" and "external research".The third part explores Milena’s valuable academic qualities in her Sinology studies.Milena was not confused by the prejudice of the previous academic circles.She looked at Chinese classical literature and popular literature in an equal way and analyzed them in a scientific way,which still has enlightenment significance for contemporary literature researchers.The conclusion tries to clarify some misunderstandings about Milena’s study of Chinese literature modernity,and compares the differences between David-Wang and Milena’s approaches and methods in the literature study of the late Qing Dynasty,so as to properly evaluate the value and significance of Milena’s study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Milena Dole(?)elová-Velingerová, Prague Sinology School, Prague Structuralism, Late Qing Fiction, Modernity
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