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Exploration Of Personalized Schema Language— "Garden Of Eden" Series Of Oil Painting Works Creation Perception

Posted on:2022-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2505306773998909Subject:Adult Education, Special Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Schema language is an important part of painting art,which forms the beauty of the picture through different forms of elements,and then conveys the artist’s emotion.Exploring personalized schema language is the most direct way to convey the idea of artist creation,and it is also the mind map of the viewer.Personalized schema language is composed of form and ideas,which is the result of the artist’s further processing of objective things and forming personalized expression.Under the influence of period,regional culture and background,the schema language is also quite different,which is also the reason for the formation of different artistic styles.The research of this paper mainly focuses on their own creative practice experience.By giving examples to contemporary oil painting artists,the application of schema language in their works is analyzed to illustrate the visual experience and symbolic significance of schema language in their works.Therefore,through my personal practice of oil painting creation and my understanding of schema language,I can explain the embodiment and perception of schema language in oil painting art.This topic is discussed in three parts: the first part briefly summarizes the concept of "schematic" and the basic content;the second part discusses the application and significance of personalized schema language in the series of works of Eden,combining with the changing visual experience and ideas.Through the research and exploration of personalized schema language,I can deepen my understanding of contemporary oil painting art,and find the goal of the future oil painting art creation,so that my personal style can be expressed.
Keywords/Search Tags:personalized graphic language, contemporary oil painting, creation
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