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Research On Hayek’s Spontaneous Order Thought

Posted on:2022-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2506306536992759Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Friedrich Hayek,one of the great intellectuals of the 20 th century,is known for his contributions to economics and general social sciences.As a representative of liberalism,he proposed spontaneous order based on the ideas of scholars such as David Hume and Ferguson as the core idea of his freedom theory.He has made his own important and unique contribution to spontaneous order.Spontaneous order is not immutable and permanent.The development of human history is the result of the dual effects of spontaneous order and artificially designed order.Spontaneous order is still quite helpful to the development of today’s limited democracy and market economy.In the era of the prevalence of planned economy and state intervention,people’s thinking about freedom and rationality was aroused,and the relevant experience and academic views of thinkers such as Adam Smith and Hume were absorbed,thus forming a systematic idea of spontaneous order.The finiteness of reason and the methodology of individualism constitute the ideological basis of spontaneous order.It is the result of human action,not human design.It exhibits the characteristics of spontaneity,abstraction,and the eternal infinity of cognition.Normal operation requires the assistance of the three elements of freedom,general rules and competition.From the perspective of human ignorance of knowledge and Hayek’s theory of freedom,it explains why spontaneous order is better than artificial order.The idea of spontaneous order has not only opened up a broad field of liberalism theory of knowledge and social theory,but also provided important enlightenment to the development of the market economy in the current period of reform in my country.However,there is a certain degree of imperfection in any thought.Knight challenged it from three aspects: the rule of law government,collective action and social justice.To a certain extent,it still has its inherent internal limitations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hayek, spontaneous order, artificial order, freedom, rationality
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