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Study On The Rule Of Law Countermeasures Of The US Clean Network Program Under The Background Of Sino-US Strategic Competition

Posted on:2022-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2506306572455414Subject:Science of Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of sino-us strategic competition in cyberspace,government trump was launched on August 5,2020 clean network plan,the plan to protect the data security as an excuse to "clean" for five areas of China network-cleaning operators,app store clean,clean application,cleaning and cleaning submarine cables.The plan met with criticism from all sides as soon as it was launched.In order to make China can properly deal with the plan,protect the lawful rights and interests related enterprises,through case analysis and system research method,based on the analysis of network interconnection and strategic competition in China and the United States,on the basis of analysis the essence of the American network clean plan,refer to relevant countries such as Russia to experience,to counter American network clean plan in our country are also proposed.First clean network plan against the United States the fact that the essence and legal nature analysis,defines the nature of the plan and the corresponding measures according to,in terms of the fact that nature,application of the principles of four elements and from the network main body,object,the Angle of network platform,network,four U.S.cyber clean program parsing.At the same time,it should be recognized that the US network clean plan is not a temporary measure,the relevant domestic players should be prepared for a protracted war.Second major cleaning plan to counter the United States network are discussed in this paper,at the domestic level,with the reality of our country,and around the state security law,establish a domestic legal defense of network safety,strengthen the construction of relevant legal system,using the law support counter U.S.cyber clean plan,pay attention to data security,set up foreign localization data center.At the international level,on the one hand,five industry associations were established to update the subject of litigation,and lawsuits were filed in multiple scenes and occasions in China’s courts,American courts,international courts,WTO service trade and so on.On the other hand,it actively participates in the global governance of cyber space,accusing the US of violating the existing regulations of the International Telecommunication Union(ITU),the rules of trade in services of the WTO,and the Constitution and agreement of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN).Breaking many of its business agreements with Chinese operators,telecom equipment manufacturers,Internet service providers and other global supply chains is an illegal act in every sense of the term,which provides a reference for future enterprises to "protect their rights".
Keywords/Search Tags:strategic competition, clean network program, network security, data security
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