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A Study On The Influence Of Leadership Style On The Initiative Behavior Of Basic-level Civil Servants

Posted on:2022-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2506306722496684Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,China is getting more and more strong and she goes to another stage,the main issue of our society have undergone significant and huge changes compared with the previous ones.Economic and social development has shown a series of new characteristics and new trends.Social governance The situation has become more complicated,and the conflicts and challenges faced by governments at all levels have become more and more.Therefore,as the executor of government actions,the forerunners and promoters of various policies,and whether grass-roots civil servants take the initiative to assume responsibility is very important to the administrative effect and quality of the public sector.As a country with relatively high power distance,the status and behavior of my country’s grassroots civil servants have been largely influenced by their superiors.In the context of public sector management,paradoxical leadership,servant leadership and instructive leadership,as three relatively representative leadership styles,have profound research significance for improving the effectiveness of grassroots civil servants ’ active responsibility behavior.Therefore,this research is based on path-goal theory,situational leadership theory,and self-regulation theory.It focuses on the influence of three different leadership styles: paradoxical leadership,servant leadership,and instructive leadership on grassroots civil servants’ active responsibility behaviors,and explores the differences.The applicability of the leadership style to the active responsibility behavior of civil servants provides feasible suggestions for the future promotion of grassroots civil servants’ active responsibility,and improves the initiative and enthusiasm of grassroots civil servants.This research first understands the leadership style in the grassroots public sector through in-depth interviews,as well as the mental state and work behavior of grassroots civil servants.In the field investigation stage,questionnaires were distributed to basic-level civil servants and their superior leaders in six townships in Y District,Shanghai.The "leader-subordinates" one-to-many grouping method was used to distribute samples in batches and multiple frequencies.213 valid questionnaire survey reports.After that,I will use the software which is SPSS to do the analysis,and try to dig deep for the key research,variance analysis,regression analysis and main hypotheses.The research results show that:(1)Education level,working years and position will affect the perception of different leadership styles of grassroots civil servants;(2)Paradoxical leadership,servant leadership and instructive leadership have significant active responsibility behaviors for grassroots civil servants(3)Career commitment plays a regulatory role.For grassroots civil servants with high career commitments,paradoxical leadership can effectively enhance their active responsibility behavior;(4)Actively setting goals plays a regulatory role,and for active For grassroots civil servants with high set goals,public servant leadership can effectively improve their active responsibility behavior;(5)Autonomous learning plays a regulatory role,and for grassroots civil servants with high independent learning,instructive leadership can effectively enhance their active responsibility behavior.Finally,this research proposes different implementation strategies to strengthen the active responsibility behavior of grassroots civil servants through the applicability of different leadership styles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership style, paradox-style leadership, servant-style leadership, instructive leadership, grassroots civil servants, taking charge behavior
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