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The Legal Problems And System Consummation Of The Negotiable Instruments Financing

Posted on:2022-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2506306725461594Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The negotiable instruments financing is a low cost,convenient way of financing,and plays a unique role to solve the financing problem of enterprises.However,some unreasonable rules in the negotiable instruments legal system of our country seriously hinders the development of negotiable instruments financing.The requirement of the whole process of the real transaction relationship in the Negotiable Instruments Law of China causes a lot of problems in negotiable instruments financing.The narrow scope of subjects with discounting qualifications makes the compliance of some negotiable instruments financing practices questionable.Commercial credit cannot be fully released due to the lack of commercial promissory note rules.The reason why China has been restraining negotiable instruments financing for a long time is to protect the security of negotiable instruments transaction and maintain the financial order.However,with the change of the times and the improvement of the credit environment,the restrictions of the negotiable instruments financing in the Negotiable Instruments Law of China can no longer meet the requirements of the current social and economic development.Therefore,the negotiable instruments legal system of our country needs to be improved in order to develop the negotiable instruments financing,improve the financing structure of our country,and cultivate a good credit environment.This paper holds that in order to further strengthen the support of real economy,it is necessary to amend the Negotiable Instruments Law and related rules.First of all,to solve the circulation problems of negotiable instruments,the requirements of the Negotiable Instruments Law on the real transaction relationship should be reduced in terms of objects and processes.Secondly,in order to regulate the discount of negotiable instruments more effectively,we should further expand the scope of negotiable instruments discount subject.Finally,in order to release the potential of commercial credit,the commercial promissory note system should be constructed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Negotiable Instruments Financing, Discount of Negotiable Instruments, Real Transaction Relationship, Commercial Promissory Notes for Financing Purposes
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