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Study On The Education Poverty Alleviation In Large And Small Liangshan Yi District

Posted on:2019-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507305948979789Subject:Agricultural extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The so-called "curing poverty before curing stupidity" is to increase the human capital stock of the poor and enhance the "hematopoietic" function of the poor,that is,to vigorously develop education.Education poverty alleviation is an important measure of precise poverty alleviation.In order to improve the quality of poverty alleviation,it is necessary to strengthen the input of human capital,make the poor receive education,participate in vocational education skills training,and improve their comprehensive quality and labor skills.Helping the poor and supporting the intellect to stimulate the self-development ability of the poor.General Secretary Xi Jinping also stressed that deep poverty areas have a deep degree of poverty and a long time of poverty.In order to thoroughly change their poverty situation,it is necessary to take more concentrated support,adopt more precise and effective measures to "help the poor and help the wise" and "cure the poor and foolish" and eliminate poverty and stop poverty through education.Intergenerational transmission.Although the government has steadily increased its support to the education in Liangshan and Xiaoliangshan areas in recent years,it has also achieved good results.However,from the perspective of the current situation of education development in Liangshan and Xiaoliangshan Yi areas,the school enrollment rate of school-age children is low,the overall drop-out rate of students is high,the number of schools and the overall scale is small,the teachers are insufficient,vocational education and higher education.Problems such as lack of strength in education development are common.As for the "9+3"free vocational education,which is an important part of the modern education system in minority areas,the government supports the poor students in minority areas to go to school by this policy to the maximum extent,including tuition fee reduction,grant subsidy,employment support and so on,thus opening up alternative channels for poor students to study.Therefore,in order to better understand the development status of "9+3" free vocational education,this study selected the Western deep poverty-stricken areas of the Liangshan Yi region as the key research area,and analyzed the current situation of poverty alleviation,poverty alleviation effectiveness,problems and so on.The study shows that since the implementation of "9+3" free vocational education in Liangshan and Xiaoliangshan areas in 2014,it not only effectively improves the quality of regional human capital,promotes the optimization of regional human resource quality structure,but also effectively guides the transfer of labor force to employment,produces positive economic,political and cultural effects,and is the essence of the region.A powerful supplement to quasi poverty relief.However,there are still some problems such as weak attraction,relatively low subsidy level,disjointed specialty settings and demands,and poor employment channels.Therefore,in the future,we need to strengthen the publicity of Vocational education,increase diversified financial support,optimize the training mode of talents,and smooth employment channels,so as to better promote the "9+ 3,the development of free vocational education will help to achieve the goal of accurately eliminating poverty.
Keywords/Search Tags:education poverty alleviation, "9+3" free vocational education, effect, poverty alleviation
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