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Research On The Characteristics Of Energy Metabolism Of Playing Badminton

Posted on:2021-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306131972909Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research purposes: This study intends to monitor and test the badminton players of Shaanxi Province in formal matches and training matches,and from the perspective of energy metabolism,to explore and evaluate the characteristics and laws of energy supply in badminton,so as to provide data and theoretical basis for scientific training of badminton players,more scientific and accurate assistant coaches,improve training quality and efficiency,maximize the players’ competition ability,and escort badminton players to achieve excellent results in the upcoming 2021 National Games.Research methods: Taking 12 main players of badminton in Shaanxi province as the research object,the maximum oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold of the subjects were measured in the laboratory,and the athletes’ competition,training matches and key training methods were also tested to understand the changes of athletes’ heart rate and blood lactic acid.At the same time,the competition was recorded,and the physiological and biochemical indexes of the test and the segmented statistical results of the video were integrated to analyze the energy metabolism characteristics of badminton.The results of the test data are expressed as mean standard deviation,and descriptive statistics are carried out by Spss software.Research results: 1.The average maximum oxygen uptake of badminton players in Shaanxi Province is 3.709 0.5 L/min,the relative maximum oxygen uptake is 51.7 24.7m L/kg/min,the average lactic acid immediately after exercise is 12.27 3.17 mmol/L,and the average lactic acid 7min after exercise is 9.11 1.92 mmol/L.2.During the competition,the athletes’ average maximum heart rate is 182.4 53.6 beats /min,and the average heart rate is150 16 beats /min.The average blood lactic acid at the end of the first game was 6mmol/L,the average blood lactic acid at the end of the second game was 8.23mmol/L,and the average blood lactic acid was 8.1mmol/L 7min after the end of the game.3.The time when the intensity is above the anaerobic threshold heart rate accounts for 38.4%~60.5% of the total time of the competition,with an average of about 55.4%.4.During the sports competition,the time period of 3 ~ 6 seconds is the most,accounting for 40.3% of the total sports time.Research conclusion:(1)The energy supply of badminton takes anaerobic energy supply system as the main energy supply system.In the anaerobic energy supply system,glycolysis energy supply is dominant and ATP-CP energy supply also occupies a certain proportion.(2)Most of the high-level badminton players spend 3~9s in competition,the interval time is6~12s,and the number of rounds is mostly within 10 beats.Exercise intensity aboveanaerobic threshold heart rate accounted for 55.4%.(3)There is a big difference in heart rate intensity between the simulated games and the national games and the special training.At ordinary times,the intensity of training needs to be further improved.Multi-ball training,a key sport simulating the characteristics of a match,can better require players to improve their speed,strength and running ability.(4)To improve badminton players’ performance,it is necessary to improve their acid tolerance.In terms of material selection,attention should be paid to the selection of players with strong anaerobic capacity and good anaerobic explosive force.
Keywords/Search Tags:badminton, Energy metabolism, heart rate
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