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A Research On Design And Application Of Micro-video In Elementary Science Teaching

Posted on:2021-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306197493204Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Information technology development promotes the innovation of education,new technology made great differences to class teaching.The educators from all parts of country try to export new teaching methods.The development of micro-video all attracted the attention of education.More and more foundation educator started use micro-video to teaching in class,but there is no research show that the micro-video method in teaching field can make progress like desired effect.According to the investigation of the current situation of micro-video teaching of some primary school’s science teachers in Wuhan,this study finds that there are still many problems in primary school science classroom teaching: students’ observation objectives are not clear enough in the observation and inquiry class,they can not consciously and orderly complete the observation tasks,the details are not in place,and their observation skills are weakness;in the science concept class,students are difficult to understand the abstract secondary concepts In the experimental inquiry class,the students are lack of problem awareness,they are hard to remember the experimental process,and some important details are ignored by students,and the students’ participation are not so high.So how can we design micro-video to promote science classroom teaching in primary school? This research is based on the design and application of micro video in primary school science teaching,aiming to solve the problems in classroom teaching and inject vitality and vitality into primary school science classroom teaching.The main work of this study includes two parts:(1)The suitable parts of micro-video design.According to the analysis of the types of primary school science course,we should set up a bridge between teaching theory and practice,provide a reference for the micro-video teaching practice research.The micro video types include: observation,scientific concept,experiment;and we also put forward some micro video application strategy: Firstly,the micro video application timing should be appropriate.Secondly,we should focus on the combination of "quality" and "quantity" in micro-video.Thirdly,the application of micro video should be combined with different course types.(2)The practical application of micro-video.We should put forward the application framework of micro-video.Including early analysis stage,teaching designstage,teaching application stage and teaching reflection stage;we also could develop micro-video teaching practice,the practice results show that micro-video can stimulate students’ interest in science learning,improve classroom teaching effectiveness,cultivate students’ consciousness of problems and students’ scientific inquiry thinking;on basis of the practice results,we should put forward practical teaching construction ways: first,micro-video content should focus on the key points.Second,the design of micro-video should highlight the main position of students.Third,the application mode of micro video should be adjusted to teaching content.Fourth,micro-video teaching should pay attention to problem guidance,parts of the content should combined with the task list.
Keywords/Search Tags:Micro-video, Science of primary school, Class type, Micro-video types, Classroom teaching
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