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Research On Picture Book As A Carrier To Promote The Narrative Ability Of Preschool Children

Posted on:2021-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J GouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306227467024Subject:Master of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of society,the ability to communicate with people reflects an increasingly important role.Among them,narrative ability not only affects language expression,but also affects emotional intelligence,thinking ability,etc.,so improving narrative ability is important to improve people’s overall quality.component.The foundation laid in the early childhood stage has a huge impact on the development of a person’s life.Improving the children’s narrative ability also promotes future development.Therefore,the author aims to understand the strategies to promote the development of young children’s narrative ability through research,and to provide a reference for preschool educators involved in related research.Picture books are an important part of the language field of kindergartens,and their value is being valued by more and more preschool educators.Therefore,the author chooses to use picture books as a carrier to study the narrative ability of large class children.This research is divided into three phases: pre-test phase,experimental phase and post-test phase.The first stage: Based on understanding the children in the class through daily observations and teacher interviews,the pre-test was carried out using the wordless picture book "Where are you?" And Zhang Jianru’s academic narrative assessment scale.There was no significant difference in the development of children’s narrative ability in the control group(22 persons).After analyzing the pre-test results,the picture book teaching is divided into three topics: enriching vocabulary,developing emotional and developing imagination;The second stage: the control group conducts normal teaching activities,the experimental group conducts research intervention,and adopts research on the theme,and continuously optimize the classroom picture book teaching to promote the development of children’s narrative ability;The third phase: after eight weeks of research intervention,the experimental group and the control group used wordless pictures The book "Where are you?" And Zhang Jianru’s scholars’ narrative ability assessment scale were post-tested.The analysis of the two sets of data was conducted through SPSS 22.0.There was also a significant difference in the experimental data of the infants in the experimental group.Through detailed analysis of pre-and post-test data,the following conclusions are found: there is no significant correlation between the length of narration and the degree of narrative ability development;picture book teaching activities have a significant role in promoting the development of children’s narrative ability;rich picture book teaching activities can improve Children’s enthusiasm for learning and learning efficiency;in narrative,children’s vocabulary is the basis.The purpose of this study is to provide some educational suggestions for frontline preschool educators in developing early childhood narrative abilities: 1.Enrich children’s vocabulary level and promote the development of children’s narrative ability;2.Cultivate children’s sense of narrative and make the narrative content more vivid;3.Develop children’s imagination and strengthen the connection between narrative content;4.By extracting key information,Enhancing children’s understanding of picture books;5.Adopting diversified teaching methods to promote the development of children’s narrative ability;6.Effective use of pedestal teaching to promote the development of children’s narrative ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Narrative ability, children in large classes, Picture book teaching, experimental study
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