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A Study On The Strategy Of Improving Customer Satisfaction In H Education Company From The One To One Training Project

Posted on:2021-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306467975369Subject:Master of business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The education and training business is the promising industry in the 21st century.The understanding of lifelong learning is becoming more and more popularity due to the increase of the pressure of social employment.Professional skill training institutions combine both theoretical knowledge and practice operation,so to improve the practical operation ability in the work, those who want to change their jobs but with strong challenges.And such kind of training organizations do care about the success rate of employment.With the increase of market demands,more investors are paying more attention and beginning to focus on this business.Therefore we can see geometric multiple growth of the number of small and Medium-sized training institutions in the market.At the same time,with the increase of the various demands,the competition is getting more keen.And how to enhance customer satisfaction is becoming a critical strategy for long-term development plan of any company who wants to gain more market share.This report will take Company H as a case study.It will introduce the basic background information of the company and make conclusion on the findings of satisfaction research via 1-on-1 interviews to those target training customers.The questionnaire covered 4 aspects,i.e.‘Branding and facilities’,‘Professionalism’,‘Training effect’and‘follow-up service’,so to have deep understanding of target customers.We finally get the issues in customer satisfaction and reasons behind with the help of data analysis,and come up with the solutions to further improve the satisfaction level accordingly.Overall the customer satisfaction score is 3.85,just between point 3(neither satisfied nor dissatisfied)and point 4(satisfied),which means there are still many things to be done to further improve this performance.According to actual situation of the company,listed strategies are proposed,i.e.improving environment and facility,enhancing staff professionalism,reinforcing training effect and promoting the quality of follow-up service.This study can not only help Company H to have better understanding on its customer satisfaction so to come up with some advice and solutions from the customer point of view to further improve the satisfaction level which is meaningful to this company management and future development but also provide certain reference value to other competitors in the same business.
Keywords/Search Tags:customer satisfaction, perceived quality, demands, employee responsibility
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