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Primary School Classroom Based On SOLO Classification Theory Deep Learning Research

Posted on:2022-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306500962349Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of the 21 st century,the important measure of popularizing "Internet +" education has achieved "ubiquitous learning".The development of learning science has unearthed the connotation and mechanism of deep learning.The two combined efforts have made it possible to improve the quality of basic education through technology.The study of deep learning in the education field has experienced three stages of development: the theory of learning methods,the theory of learning process,and the theory of learning results.Different research perspectives emphasize that students can actively incorporate new knowledge into the learning methods of criticism,reflection,integration,and transfer.In the existing knowledge and experience structure,the learning demand of finally mastering the deep structure of knowledge is achieved.Based on the in-depth investigation and study of sample schools,this study uses the implementation of the "Science" curriculum as the research carrier.Researchers mainly adopt classroom observation methods,interview methods,and physical analysis methods.A certain class in the fourth grade of D primary school is used as a case.Research objects,focusing on selecting 6 students representing different academic levels for research,exploring different representations of deep learning.In the research process,the researcher used the SOLO classification theory as the analysis framework,and formed a preliminary evaluation index system by distinguishing the relationship between the pupils’ scientific literacy ability and the cognitive process evaluation framework of the SOLO classification theory,and formed the final evaluation index system through the Delphi method.The index system for deep learning evaluation of students.The study found that deep learning that points to "knowing" in deep learning is directly proportional to students’ cognition and learning effects at different levels.Instructional design presents more shallow learning conditions,and different teaching methods affect students’ cognitive comprehension;points to "applied" in deep learning,the learning skills of students at different levels are basically proportional to the learning effect.The teaching design presents the trend of deep learning.Open teaching has become an important starting point for reforming teaching.Student participation has become the key to improving the quality of deep learning;it points to "comprehensive" in deep learning,students’ participation and creation at different levels is directly proportional to the learning effect,instructional design presents the characteristics of deep learning.Interdisciplinary integration of courses has become an important path and is conducive to creating an atmosphere of participation.From the analysis of Bloom’s cognitive target classification theory,the results of students’ deep learning are gradually increasing,cognition is improving step by step,and presenting continuous progress and synthesis.This is also the process of self-construction of students’ continuous learning.Obviously,with different orientations,students’ deep learning levels show obvious differences.This requires that in the teaching process,teaching and practical teaching should be designed according to different goals.Deep learning practice based on SOLO classification theory shows that the goal of instructional design is the key to the occurrence of deep learning,taking care of student differences is an important indicator of deep learning,the "opening" teaching concept is a catalyst for deep learning,interdisciplinary courses Integration is an important support for revealing students’ deep learning results,and building a teaching culture in which students participate is fertile ground for deep learning.In order to improve the level of deep learning in the classroom,classroom teaching needs to create real situations to mobilize students’ potential,diversify tasks to drive students to participate in the entire learning process,optimize interdisciplinary curriculum integration to promote students’ thinking ability expansion,and focus on the process of scientific inquiry to create students’ deep learning possibilities,to change the teaching concept of teachers to promote deep learning of students and play a guiding role in the evaluation of core literacy.As long as we further open teaching,comprehensively design teaching,and empower students to participate in the teaching process,the significance and value of deep learning can be better utilized.
Keywords/Search Tags:deep learning, SOLO classification theory, science curriculum, learning evaluation, case study
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