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Research On The Role Of Social Work In Health Poverty Alleviation From The Perspective Of Welfare Pluralism

Posted on:2022-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R L HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2507306551981429Subject:Social Work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the elimination of absolute poverty and the decisive achievement of a well-off society in an all-round way,China’s anti-poverty undertaking has entered a post poverty era.Compared with the absolute poverty in the period of poverty alleviation,the poverty in the new stage is mainly characterized by relative poverty.In the stage of targeted poverty alleviation,healthy poverty alleviation plays an important role in promoting anti-poverty work.However,in the face of new poverty situation,healthy poverty alleviation should be adjusted and changed to better serve the anti-poverty work in the new stage.This paper focuses on the professional role of social work in health poverty alleviation in the context of post poverty era.From the perspective of welfare pluralism,this paper focuses on the current situation of the implementation of health poverty alleviation in S City,comprehensively uses the methods of field research,literature research and semi-structured interview to analyze the demand situation and the main dilemma of the supply of subject and object in the process of service delivery,and finally combines it with the theory of welfare pluralism,the theory of health poverty alleviation and the theory of health poverty alleviation Combined with the professional value of social work,this paper further analyzes the path of social work in health poverty alleviation.The main structure of this paper is divided into four parts.The first part of the introduction focuses on the research background and status quo,related concepts and theoretical basis,research content and methods are described and defined.The second part is the theoretical analysis framework.On the basis of combing the core views of welfare pluralism,this paper analyzes the internal logic of welfare pluralism and health poverty alleviation,the professional advantages of social work in health poverty alleviation,and combines welfare pluralism,health poverty alleviation and social work to further explore the integration point of social work in health poverty alleviation from three aspects of supply subject,supply form and supply target.The third part is the analysis of the current situation and the main difficulties of the implementation of health poverty alleviation in s city.On the basis of summing up the main content and operation mechanism of health poverty alleviation in S City,this paper analyzes the demand status of the subject and object of health poverty alleviation service supply and the main difficulties existing by using field research and semi-structured interview method.The main purpose is to lay an objective and clear realistic foundation for exploring the professional role of social work in health poverty alleviation.The fourth part is the path analysis of the role of social work in healthy poverty alleviation from the perspective of welfare pluralism.From the perspective of social workers cooperating with multiple subjects to play a role in healthy poverty alleviation,this paper integrates social work theory,skills and methods,and explores the role of social workers in helping the government play a leading role,market subjects play a dominant role,communities play a role of information link,social workers play a leading role in helping the government play a leading role,market subjects play a dominant role,communities play a role of information link Family plays a supporting role and the third sector plays a professional role in professional coordination,so as to further explore the role of social work in health poverty alleviation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Welfare pluralism, Social work, Health poverty alleviation, Relative poverty
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